Sustainability in focus of corporate strategy
For Interzero, sustainability is the focus of corporate strategy. We take responsibility in all areas of business – for our customers and employees and for the environment and society.
Vision and mission: a future without waste
With our vision of a zero-waste future, guided by our sustainability strategy, we are developing new concepts for a comprehensive circular economy. We always follow our mission: as a leading customer partner in the circular economy, in every industry we close cycles, avoid waste and conserve resources by developing integrated, tailor-made environmental solutions.
Our sustainability strategy: zero-waste solutions
Our current sustainability program for the strategy can be found here:
no waste of ideas
no waste of resources
zero waste solutions
Successful transformation processes thrive on innovation. We test every idea that brings us closer to closed cycles - even at the risk of failure. This is the only way to create the disruptive changes that our linear economic system needs.
We support our clients in professionalising their sustainable practices and integrating sustainability into their reporting processes. For this, we fully exploit the digitalisation potential of our services.
In order to extend the lifespan of products, we develop new markets and expand the business models developed for them in such a way that we realise annual sales growth with them.
Damit Industrie und Handel Ressourcen efficienter als bisher verwenden können, entwinkel wir gemeinsam mit unseren Kunden neue Design-for- Recycling-Ansätze.
Only the use of resources that does not allow any waste is sustainable in our view. That is why we are looking for new ways to close loops every day.
In order to rid the planet of plastic waste in the long term, we are developing new upcycling solutions for plastics every year. We are also increasing the quality and quantities of secondary raw materials that we produce from plastic waste and offer to industry for further processing.
To limit global warming to below 2 degrees, global resource consumption must be decoupled from economic growth. We are thus closing new recycling and logistics loops, which will enable us to generate at least 5 million tonnes of waste per year. Tons of raw materials or 800,000 tonnes of CO 2.
In order to significantly reduce the per capita environmental impact of waste generation, especially in cities, we are committed to waste prevention and a significant increase in recycling rates.
Our employees and their misbehaviour are the core of our competence as an environmental service provider. Making them work at their best for our clients every day requires a consecrated commitment to their health, motivation and development.
We want to promote the physical and mental health of our employees and reduce our sickness, accident and turnover rates to below the industry average. Daupir, we create a safe, value-driven, innovative and developmental working environment.
We want the complete and effective participation of all - regardless of age, gender, origin, religion or social status - to become a reality at all levels of decision-making. Deggle ensures the greatest possible equality of opportunity for all (potential) employees in our company.
The development of a comprehensive circular economy requires that we share our experience and know-how - not only with our customers, but in all areas of the economy and society. This is the only way we can adequately communicate the ecological and economic benefits of efficient recycling management.
We see it as our mission to promote sustainable lifestyles and consumption habits. As an intermediary, we therefore ensure that knowledge about the circular economy is built up in education, politics, business and society.
We want to develop and (internationally) scale cross-sector approaches and standards for circular economy solutions. For this, we work together with our partners, stakeholders, suppliers and customers.
At the same time, we create scope for our employees to participate in appropriate initiatives to develop circular economy solutions.
no waste of talent
no waste of knowledge
Our climate strategy: 50 percent less emissions on site by 2025
Through our services, our customers save greenhouse gas emissions and resources. But our own business activities also produce CO2 emissions. Our goal is to reduce the emissions of harmful gases at the site and thereby contribute to the climate goal agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference 2015 – limiting global warming to well below two degrees. For this purpose, we design our own processes and activities so that they save resources and be as efficient as possible. Based on the calculation of our corporate carbon footprint, we have formulated our climate strategy and concrete goals:
- 50 percent reduction of emissions at the location (Scope 1 and 2) by 2025
- Continuous search for optimization potential in logistics and work towards the goal of reducing the resulting emissions
- Annual savings of at least 5.5 million tons of resources and 800,000 tons of CO2 equivalent through own services
Other pages on this topic
Employees & Initiatives
One Team, One Dream: Together we create a future worth living
Sustainability reporting
Trust through transparency: read all in our sustainability report and magazine