Employees and initiatives

Community, cooperation and dialogue - we are synonymous with that. What is decisive for our success are our employees, partners and numerous cooperations. Together we create a future worth living and create higher value.

We are one

Our corporate culture “we are one” means respect, exchange and responsibility. Common values ​​unite us – regardless of your assignment at Interzero, where you come from, what you believe in or who you love. Interzero in Germany alone employs people from 41 different nations between the ages of 16 and 67. Appreciating our differences, meeting interests and learning from each other, we promote equal opportunities for our employees. Our competency model serves for a shared understanding of our values ​​and provides orientation for employees at all levels. It represents the foundation for our vision of “zero waste solutions” every day, without giving up, and striving to find the right ways to achieve that vision.

Staff initiatives for sustainability

Together we achieve more. That’s why our staff actively contributes to making Interzero a more sustainable company. Since 2016 In 2018, our Sustainability Ambassadors hold sustainability weeks, which involve employees in a range of activities such as clean-up days, sharing programs or CO2-friendly communities. The city’s cycling campaign is also very popular. The goal here is to cycle as many kilometers as possible in three weeks in order to contribute to local climate protection and raise awareness of the need to expand urban cycling infrastructure. In 2017, Interzero cycled almost 7,500 kilometers. This saved about 1 ton of CO2e, as well as 675 euros for fuel. In 2019 Interzero saved almost 5,253 ‘cyclometers’, saving about 745 kilograms of CO2 equivalent.

Thinking outside the box: Two degrees are possible

Companies have a central role in achieving the two-stage goal. So what action should we take to reduce global warming? The strategy adopted by the “Road to Economy” initiative< 2 °” is “we achieve more if we work together”. Thanks to its interdisciplinary approach, it unites a wide range of industries, specialties and perspectives with the aim of advancing towards their common goal. Interzero plays an active role. Together with around 40 other companies, we are members of this pioneering project jointly launched by the 2 ° Foundation and WWF Germany.

Ideas for a sustainable economy

As experts in closed-loop economics, we contribute our specialist knowledge in dialogue with research, business and the general public. One such activity is the Center for Sustainable Corporate Governance (ZNU), a joint business and research sustainability initiative based at the University of Witten / Herdecke in Germany. Here we support the working group for recycling and (further) development of the ZNU standard “More sustainable business food”.

We also support the following projects:

  • KidS (Germany)
  • Jugend am Werk (Austria)
  • Wiener Tafel (Austria)
  • Aktion Friedensdorf eV (Germany)
  • Erzbischöfliches Kinder- und Jugendheim St. Kilian (Germany)
  • Sponsorship for Geyserhaus (Germany)
  • “Eco Dragon” at the School for People with Disabilities in Warsaw (Poland)
  • School project in cooperation with our client Dell (Poland)
  • German Red Cross (blood) (Germany, country)
  • DKMS (Germany, country)